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- Coronavirus | -scdaami-
Information for our sickle cell community during the COVID-19 pandemic Information surrounding COVID-19 changes rapidly. We'll continue providing updates here. Advisories HEALTH ALERT: What our Sickle Cell Community Needs to Know About the Coronavirus (COVID-19) from SCDAA PATIENTS RETURN TO WORK LETTER PROVIDERS SCD COVID-19 REGISTRY Be prepared, not scared! We encourage sickle cell patients to follow the guidance provided in the national Sickle Cell Disease Association of America's Health Alert and for everyone to practice sanitation and cleaning practices advised by the CDC, including avoiding crowds and gatherings (events, parties, church, etc.). Be aware that the virus can live on some surfaces for 2-3 days, and on clothing for unknown periods of time . Contact your doctor if you experience symptoms or have been in contact with COVID-19. Do you need medical insurance? Or a primary care physician (PCP)? Are you feeling underprepared or overwhelmed? SCDAA-MI staff is still working to meet your needs - just remotely. Please contact us with questions or for assistance at (313) 864-4406 or (800) 842-0973 or . Information about COVID-19 COVID info Michigan COVID-19 News and Information COVID-19 guidance for sickle cell from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) COVID-19 Info from Michigan Health Departments SCDAA-MI worksite protocols If you've been exposed to COVID-19 COVID exposure Resources for daily life during the pandemic Pandemic resources Click here for a (PDF ) of the guide. La guía está disponible en español . Links to food, education, mental health resources and more. Job help : Unemployment information, guidelines for returning to work, and physician letters EMERGENCY PODCAST ON SICKLE CELL AND COVID-19 Help with resources If you need assistance navigating any of the services or resources listed above, please contact us: Detroit/SE Mich: (313) 864-4406 or (800)-842-0973 Children's Hospital SC Clinic: (313) 745-5613 Sickle Cell Trait Counseling: (313) 451-0014 School/Job Assistance: (734) 494-2119 Email: Contact our nearest satellite office: Adult Clinic Caseworker at DMC : (313) 864-4406 Benton Harbor/Kalamazoo Area: (313) 505-4081 Grand Rapids/Muskegon Area: (616) 426-9259 Jackson/Lansing Area: (800) 842-0973 Saginaw/Flint Area: (989) 372-0256
- Contact Us | -scdaami-
contact us Volunteer Photo Release Client Feedback WE'RE NOW WORKING REMOTELY TO HELP PROTECT OUR COMMUNITY. PLEASE CALL FOR ASSISTANCE. THANK YOU! If you need assistance, have questions, or would like to partner in SCDAA-MI's work,our staff will be happy to help. Contact Us First Name Last Name Email Phone Type your message here... Thanks for reaching out! Submit Email: Detroit/SE Mich: 313-864-4406 or 800-842-0973 Children's Hospital SC Clinic: 313-745-5613 Sickle Cell Trait Counseling: 313-595-0541 School/Job Assistance: Our Address: 18516 James Couzens Fwy. Detroit, Michigan 48235 Hours of Operation: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday You can also contact our nearest satellite offices: Detroit Area (313) 613-7327 Benton Harbor/Kalamazoo Area: (304) 404-4229 Grand Rapids/Muskegon Area: (616) 788-9816 Jackson/Lansing Area: (517) 249-9528 Saginaw/Flint Area: (989) 372-0256 Photo release Photo/Video Release The Sickle Cell Disease Association of America - Michigan Chapter, Inc. frequently takes photos and video at its events and activities and ask that participants sign a waiver allowing the use of their likeness in publications, our web site, social media sites, and other public forms. You will only need to complete this form once. If at any time you wish to revoke use of your likeness in the future, you must do so in writing. Children under 18 require consent from a parent or guardian. Please contact us with questions. Thank you! Download release form here . Please complete and return to
- 2021 Sickle Cell Matters Walk | -scdaami-
- Sickle Cell Trait | -scdaami-
If you inherit only one sickle hemoglobin gene from a parent you will carry the sickle cell trait. While the trait was once thought to be innocuous, in recent years more has been learned about carriers. People with the trait are more likely to suffer from conditions such as urinary tract infections or blood in the urine. Even athletes with sickle cell trait are now advised to take special precautions. sickle cell trait Sickle Cell Trait Facts In some people the red blood cells can take on the shape of a farmer’s sickle. If you are born with this gene from one parent you have SICKLE CELL TRAIT. If you are born with this gene from both parents you have SICKLE CELL DISEASE. A person with sickle cell DISEASE has sickle cells in the blood stream which can cause health problems Such as pain, infection and anemia. A person with sickle cell TRAIT does not have sickle cells in the blood stream and does not have a disease. They're considered to be a carrier. If both parents have sickle cell TRAIT, each time a child is born there is a 25% (1 in 4) chance the child will have sickle cell DISEASE. This doesn't mean that if you have four children, one of them will have a chance of being born with sickle cell disease. It means that each child has a 25% chance of being born with the disease. There are two other fairly common traits that can also result in having a child with sickle cell disease: h emoglobin C trait and thalassemia trait. Since you do not get sick from any of these traits, you may have one of them and not know it. People of childbearing age should know if they have any of these traits so that they can make informed decisions regarding family planning. Know your trait status! View and download the full infographic here . SCDAA-MI offers free testing for sickle cell trait and sickle cell disease at its office: 18516 James Couzens Fwy, Detroit, MI 48235. Appointments and walk-ins are welcome. Call or contact us for more information. More info on the CDC's sickle cell trait site. Learn more about the NCAA and sickle cell trait
- Patient Support | -scdaami-
patient support SAFER Initiative NIH Guidelines & Opioids Patient Rights Tools and Tips Hematologist Search More Online Resources We want to make it simpler to find credible, useful information that helps make it a little easier to live with sickle cell. Be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page. There's a lot of great info here, including the CDC's guidance on opioids for sickle cell, your rights as a patient, guidelines to help your doctors with your care, and more. top HEALTH ALERT FROM THE SICKLE CELL DISEASE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA PATIENT INFO RETURNING TO WORK PROVIDER INFO Have you tested positive for COVID-19? Or do you have a cough with a fever? MICHIGAN WARRIORS ONLY PLEASE: You can contact your Primary Care Physician or proceed to the nearest emergency room in your area. Please respect the docs' time and dedication and only reach out to them if you’re diagnosed with Coronavirus or have a cough + fever. We appreciate them being available to the community this way! We're working to keep you SAFE(R)! Headed to the emergency room/department (ED)? Take this! Be sure to keep our SAFE(R) card on hand. It directs physicians/medical personnel to a sickle cell acute care site made just for them - putting all the current clinical practice guidelines at their fingertips in one place. No need to search the internet: PDF documents and source links are all included. So before you go, click the image to access a printable version. No time to print? Pull up the page on your phone ( and take a screen shot. When you arrive, present it at the registration desk and note the time. Present another copy at triage. Again note the time. If you're too sick, remember that you have the right to take someone with you to act as your advocate. Let the hospital staff know that's what they're there for. We realize not everyone is familiar with the proper treatment for sickle cell. This can help you receive SAFE(R) care. Be sure to take the SAFER ER survey after each ER visit to let us know about your treatment and care. Contact us with q uestions or feedback. A tip from Twitter: Be sure to document your ED provider's name and course of treatment for future reference. Do the same if you're admitted. When someone takes good care of you, shout out a thank you on IG, Twitter or Facebook and tag #scdaami #sicklecell and the hospital. Let's be heard! SAFER Initiative BACK TO THE TOP NIH - HEALTH MAINTENANCE FOR SCD Click the image for a PDF of the NIH guidelines and recommendations for the health maintenance of people with sickle cell. (Approx. 40 pages) Read and provide a copy to your primary care physician. Click the yellow button to go directly to the full NIH document. Source: National Institutes of Health NHLBI CDC OPIOID CLARIFICATION FOR SCD The CDC clarified its opioid guideline in a letter to ASH stating it was not intended to manage SCD. The CDC refers providers to NIH NHLBI guidelines for care. Click the image for that letter or the yellow button for CDC statement on guideline misapplication. Source: American Society of Hematology NIH - TREATMENT GUIDES FOR SCD Click the image for a PDF of the full NIH clinical practice guidelines for the management of sickle cell disease (161 pages). Click the yellow button for a PDF of the NIH's (National Institutes of Health) 48-page quick guide to those practice guidelines. Source: National Institutes of Health NHLBI NIH Guidelines & Opioids BACK TO THE TOP Patient Rights Know Your Rights - The Joint Commission As a patient, you do have rights and a role regarding your treatment and care. This brochure has questions and answers to help you learn about your rights and role as a patient. Knowing your rights and role can help you make better decisions about your care. (Image links to brochure) Source: The Joint Commission Speak Up For Your Rights - The Joint Commission As a patient, you have the right to be informed about and make decisions regarding your care. You also have the right to care that is free from discrimination, as well as the right to have a patient advocate. Learn about the different rights you have as a patient. (Image links to short video) Source: The Joint Commission Ask Your Advocate to Speak Up - The Joint Commission As a patient, you have a right to have a patient advocate - a friend, family member, or whoever you designate. Your advocate can be a partner in your care, helping you through every step of your treatment. Watch this video and ask your advocate to Speak Up™! (Image links to short video) Source: The Joint Commission BACK TO THE TOP Tools and Tips PASSPORT TO HEALTH TOOLKIT Dr. Wanda Whitten-Shurney's Passport to Health Toolkit is a great source of information for maintaining your health. (Join us for an educational program to receive the backpack that goes with it. *While supplies last!) Source: Dr. Wanda Shurney TIPS FOR TRIPS TO ER Emergency room visits are a frequent course of action for people with sickle cell. The CDC provides this handout with suggestions for talking with physicians and navigating the experience. Source: Centers for Disease Control CLINICAL TRIALS Research into sickle cell treatments is at an all-time high. New possibilities move through a series of studies and approvals that include clinical trials. Interested in participating? Here's a list of current NIH-funded trials. Source: National Institutes of Health BACK TO THE TOP SICKLE CELL FACTS & FIGURES The American Society of Hematology (ASH) provides this clear and thorough handout with facts and figures to help educate yourself and others about the biology and impact of sickle cell disease. Source: American Society of Hematology SICKLE CELL GLOSSARY A diagnosis of sickle cell comes with its own language. If you're newly-diagnosed, the words can be overwhelming. This glossary will serve as both an introduction and a refresher for those who need it. Source: Missouri Dept. of Health & Senior Services UNDERSTANDING MEDICAL SPEAK Have you encountered unfamiliar terms used in your medical care? If so, you're not alone. Here you'l find definitions in every day language to help you better understand your condition. Source: Medical Library Association BACK TO THE TOP Looking for a hematologist? Try this zip code-based search . (We do not endorse the physicians listed. Use proper care in researching their expertise.) You can also contact our office for suggestions provided by existing patients/clients. Hematologist Search More Online Resources Other informational resources
- Elements | -scdaami-
un/re-used elements Our 2020 Sickle Cell Matters Walk features a Warriors dance challenge and a salute to our Legacy Warriors (ages 50 and up). Warrior Stroll #SickleSlideChallenge Be a part of the Warrior Stroll! New this year, the Warrior Stroll features the #SickleSlide dance challenge to open our Walk Day festivities. Warriors of all ages and abilities are welcome to participate in parts that suit their preference. Watch and learn , perfect your style, and post your video using #SickleSlideChallenge. Salute to Legacy Warriors The 2020 Sickle Cell Matters Walk will also feature a tribute to our Legacy Warriors - individuals with sickle cell who'll be 50 years or older as of Dec. 31, 2020. Sign up to be recognized on our web site, in the day-of-event printed program (must be signed up by Sept. 1, 2020), and from the stage during remarks.
- Donation Confirmation | -scdaami-
Your gift to the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America - Michigan Chapter helps ensure that counseling, educational, medical, and basic needs services are addressed for people with sickle cell. By supporting our work, you help improve lives. If you chose to make your gift anonymously, your name will not be listed in any materials where we might recognize donors. You will receive electronic receipts from PayPal Giving Fund. We will email a gift acknowledgement to the name and email address you provided. Thank you for your support! donation confirmation
- Events | -scdaami-
2019 holidays Camp Cancellation2 WSU 02282020 Whitten-Shurney MD Register2 GivingTuesdayNow Walk promo IMG_0946 SCDAAMI Stabenow meeting Ahmar TEDx IMG_0943 iseeu 2024 Events Mark your calendar and join us for fun, educational, advocacy, and celebratory events throughout the year. (Virtual for now, of course.) SCDAA-MI Upcoming Events Flyers will be uploaded in the future. WORLD SICKLE CELL DAY - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2024 THE ANNUAL SICKLE CELL MATTERS AWARENESS WALK - SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2024 (The Charles H. Wright Museum) FLINT MICHIGAN SICKLE CELL AWARENESS WALK - SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2024 Have questions? Need info? Want to send an idea for an educational topic? Contact us at or 313.864.4406.
- Get Involved Overview | -scdaami-
get involved Together our tenacity and commitment have greatly brightened the future for sickle cell: comprehensive pediatric care has become a medical standard throughout most of the U.S., allowing patients to pursue college educations, take on dream careers, marry and welcome extended families. At the same time, many challenges remain: awareness among the adult medical community lags behind pediatric expertise at the expense of patient health. Sickle cell still bears the weight of stigma attached to systemic discrimination. While research is on the uptick, treatments are limited. There is no universal cure. Your support matters in our quest for consciousness, equity, and a cure. Please join us today. DONATE The Sickle Cell Disease Association of America - Michigan Chapter thrives on the support of dedicated patients/clients, staff, volunteers, funders, sponsors, donors , and community partners . We've remained committed to our mission of improving the lives of people living with sickle cell disease for 48 years. Give today . ADVOCATE This is an exciting time for the sickle cell community as new treatments have recently become available and interest in research to find a cure has spiked. Yet, insurance hindrances, misplaced opioid restrictions, and ongoing systemic discrimination continue to block access to proper care and threaten the lives of patients. Raise your voice for sickle cell. VOLUNTEER There are always volunteer opportunities at SCDAA-MI for assistance at our annual Sickle Cell Matters Walk, encouraging an increased social media presence, office help, committees, and more. Complete our volunteer form to let us know you're interested, and we'll contact you when opportunities arise.
- Community Resources | -scdaami-
community resources Connect to services that can help meet your basic and emergency needs Out-state resources coming soon! Click here for an additional list of COVID-19 specific resources. Top Education Mental Health Clothing Internet & Device Access Housing/Shelter Food All Services All Services Food Education ALL SERVICES Locate various community resources by zip code THAW The Heat and Warmth Fund Thaw has funds available throut the Michigan Energy Assistance program. If you or someone you know needs assistance with their utilities click on the link above for more on how to get help. United Way 2-1-1 United Way for Southeast Michigan's 2-1-1 service provides referrals to programs in Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Washtenaw, Monroe and Lapeer counties, connecting users with more than 30,000 service providers throughout the state that can help with food, housing, utilities, medical bills, and more. You can get information online at United Way 2-1-1 , or by dialing 2-1-1 (or 1-800-552-1183 ). FOOD Locate food banks by zip code Detroit-area food banks and kitchens Gleaners Food Bank of Southeastern Michigan - 2131 Beaufait St., Detroit, MI 48207, (866) 453-2637 Forgotten Harvest - A lways check location sites and bring a picture ID Yad Ezra Lighthouse Food Pantry City of Detroit Food Pickup Capuchin Soup Kitchen - (313) 579-2700 Redford Interfaith Relief - ( 313) 387.9802 CARES in Farmington Hills - (248) 474-8231 (Call to make an appointment for the food pantry.) HOUSING/SHELTER Wayne County Covenant House (housing, food, basic necessities such as showers, laundry, etc) Detroit Phoenix Center (Housing, Food assistance) Wayne Metro Community Action Agency Detroit Housing Commission Detroit Housing Wayne County Department of Health and Human Services Wayne (branches listed by zip code) United Community Housing Coalition , (313) 963-3310 Health Emergency Lifeline Program, 1726 Howard St., Detroit, MI 48216, (313) 832-3300 Oakland County The Sanctuary – Common Ground , 1228 S. Washington, Royal Oak, MI 48067, (248) 547-2260 INTERNET & DEVICE ACCESS FCC program for eligible households to provide low cost telephone and broadband internet service (Michigan is a participating state) Some internet providers are offering free services to low-income families and households with students. Free Comcast Xfinity internet: Comcast Xfinity is currently offering its Internet Essentials program free for two months to new customers. The internet provider is also automatically increasing speeds for all Internet Essentials customers. Comcast Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspots are also open and free to use by anyone. Free internet for students from Charter Spectrum: Households with students K–12 or university students can sign up for a new Charter Spectrum internet account to get the first two months of internet with speeds up to 100 Mbps for free. Installation fees will be waived for those who qualify for the offer. Call 1-844-488-8395 to enroll. Spectrum Wi-Fi hotspots are also currently open and free to use. Free internet for students from Altice : Altice internet providers Suddenlink and Optimum are offering 60 days of free internet service for households with K–12 or college students. Internet speeds are up to 30 Mbps if you do not already have access to a home internet plan. To sign up, call 1-866-200-9522 if you live in an area with Optimum internet service, or call 1-888-633-0030 if you live in an area with Suddenlink internet service. AT&T : CLOTHING ● Salvation Army , Detroit: (313) 897-2914 ● Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries - (313) 366-3409 ● Christ Church of Redford - (313) 534-3436 ● Redford Interfaith Relief - (313) 387-9802 ● CARES in Farmington Hills - (248) 882-7800 MENTAL HEALTH & SUICIDE PREVENTION Michigan Mental Health Networker National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1 (800) SUICIDE (English) 1 (877) SUICIDA (Spanish) 24/7 Treatment call 1 (888)859-4403 EDUCATION For FREE COLLEGE click here!!! For those of you who are interested, the Michigan Reconnect is providing free tuition at your in-district community college to earn an associate degree or Pell-eligible skill certificate if you're 25+! Mental Health Housing Internet Clothing Back to the top Back to the top Back to the top SCDAA-MI’s services are available throughout Michigan and span lifetime needs. For more information: Call 313-864-4406 Email Contact our nearest satellite office: Adult Clinic Caseworker at DMC: (313) 864-4406 Benton Harbor/Kalamazoo Area: (313) 505-4081 Grand Rapids/Muskegon Area: (616) 426-9259 Jackson/Lansing Area: (800) 842-0973 Saginaw/Flint Area: (989) 372-025
- 2021 Gallery | -scdaami-
2019 Photo Gallery 2018 Photo Gallery 2021 photo galleries Awareness Campaign Launch This year for World Sickle Cell Day the Sickle Strong Adult Support Group hosted a lantern release to where we all could shine a light for individual living with sickle cell and to honor the memory of the beautiful ones we loss. Please enjoy these highlights! Thank You! (Is your photo/video missing from this collection? If so, email it to us.)