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  • Services Overview | -scdaami-

    our services For more information: Detroit Main Line: (313) 864-4406 Children's Hospital SC Clinic: (313) 745-5613 Sickle Cell Trait Counseling: (313) 595-0280 School/Job Assistance: (313) 595-0541 Email Contact our nearest satellite office: Adult Clinic Caseworker at DMC :(313) 864-4406 Benton Harbor/Kalamazoo Area: (313) 505-4081 Grand Rapids/Muskegon Area: (616) 788-9816 Jackson/Lansing Area: (800) 842-0973 Saginaw/Flint Area: (989) 372-0256 SCDAA-MI provides a range of services to individuals with sickle cell and their families. This includes counseling, support groups, referrals for financial and medical help, college and employment assistance, sending children to summer camp each year. The agency also coordinates newborn screening for all babies born in Michigan. Client assistance WHAT WE DO HERE TO HELP Services We Provide Do you have medical insurance, primary care, a hematologist? Do you need accommodations at school/work? Let us help you manage your life with sickle cell. Read More PARTNER RESOURCES Community Connections We've compiled a handy list of helpful partner resources you can use to help meet basic and emergency needs for yourself and/or your family. Read More COVID-19 INFORMATION What You Should Know Individuals with sickle cell run a higher risk of complications if they contract COVID-19. Get SCD-specific info and guidelines to help stay safe. Read More

  • Sickle Cell Michigan Detroit - SCDAAMI

    Thank you 2024 Sponsors for helping us reach our goal!! Sickle cell is a complex biopsychosocial condition affecting every blood vessel, organ, and system in the body. While its severity impacts each individual uniquely, sickle cell’s most common visible presentation is excruciating, unpredictable pain. However, the condition’s less visible complications of continual hemolytic anemia and vascular and organ damage are silent, but life-shortening, ramifications suffered by every individual with sickle cell. To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. SCDAA-MI provides education, assistance, and advocacy for individuals living with and families affected by sickle cell disease. Our services are available throughout Michigan and span lifetime needs. OPPORTUNITIES TO LEARN - SHARE - DISCOVER Anniversary STATE OF SICKLE CELL DISEASE EXPLORE TREATMENTS WAYS TO ENGAGE WITH SCDAA-MI NEWS & MEDIA SPONSORS & ALLIANCES QUESTIONS ABOUT HYDROXYUREA WE'RE NOW WORKING REMOTELY TO HELP PROTECT OUR COMMUNITY. PLEASE CALL FOR ASSISTANCE. THANK YOU! DETROIT OFFICE 18516 James Couzens Fwy Detroit, MI 48235 Mon - Fri: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Special Event Hours as Posted CONTACT US Detroit/SE Mich: (313) 864-4406 or ( 800) 842-0973 Children's Hospital SC Clinic: (313) 745-5613 Sickle Cell Trait Counseling: (313) 864-4406 School/Job Assistance: (313) 595-0541 Email: SATELLITE OFFICES Adult Clinic Caseworker: (313) 864-4406 Benton Harbor/Kalamazoo Area: (269) 927-5629 Grand Rapids/Muskegon Area: (616) 788-9816 Jackson/Lansing Area: (517) 249-3528 Saginaw/Flint Area: (989) 372-0256

  • Acknowledgements | -scdaami-

    We thank you for your service! Tonya Ashwood-Malone, Data Manager Congratulating Tonya Malone on 30 years of dedicated service to the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America, Michigan Chapter, Inc. We appreciate you.

  • SAFER | -scdaami-

    SICKLE CELL 911: FAST ACCESS TO GUIDELINES & BETTER CARE Empowering medical professionals to implement evidence-based sickle cell action. Amplifying the patient's voice in care. OPIOIDS & SCD NIH GUIDELINES COMPLICATIONS ASH POCKET GUIDES SCD EDUCATION SICKLE CELL 911 About the SAFE(R) Initiative Access/download a compilation of the NIH guides specific to SAFE(R). PARTNER WITH SAFER SAFE(R) stems from the sad and dangerous reality that many individuals with sickle cell opt to "wait out" an acute episode as long as possible rather than endure a traumatizing trip to the ED where they're likely to be stigmatized and/or undertreated. This treatment time lost equates to eventual organ failure or other tragic complications. Central to the SAFE(R) Initiative is the Sickle Cell 911 (#SCD911) card, the key to a site dedicated to acute sickle cell care, containing NIH guidelines in an easy-access form. For providers, Sickle Cell 911 serves as a portable portal to evidence-based practices, knowledge and resources for treating SCD and its complications. For the patient, it's evidence-based back up of information many have already shared to no avail. Or details they're too sick to effectively relay by the time they arrive in your ED. For us, it's a small way to take big steps toward catching up the adult medical community on strides pediatric practitioners have been making for the last 50 years: We've succeeded not only in getting sickle cell babies beyond the critical first five years, but we've now catapulted them into adulthood and find there is little safety net for their treatment and care. This reality shouldn't exist. You can be the change. "Only about 1 in 4 patients with sickle cell disease receive the standard of care described in current guidelines, and many studies have shown that patients do not receive treatment for their pain as soon as, or in appropriate doses as, other patients." -HHS Office of Minority Health #SickleCell911 #BlackPatientLivesMatter #EliminateHealthDisparities Join forces with SCDAA-MI! Assure Michigan sickle cell patients they're SAFE(R) in your facility than at home because you'll adhere to CDC and NIH guidelines in their care. Here's what you can do: Assess your ED's readiness to provide guideline-adherent emergency sickle cell care using ASH's approach . (PDF ) Let hospital and ED staff know that we're sending patients out with their SCD911 cards. Contact us to set a face-to-face meeting with your practice or hospital leadership and address any concerns. Give us the opportunity to speak directly with physicians, specialists and other medical professionals so we can discuss the burden of sickle cell, dispel common myths, and offer tips on adhering to the NIH guidelines. Spend some time with us. Meet our patients, their families, our staff and supporters. Put a face to the discussion. Let us know how you'd like to partner. #ThankYou For more information, contact Stefanie Worth at the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America - Michigan Chapter. “We must ensure that people living with sickle cell disease don’t become collateral damage in the fight against the opioid overdose epidemic.” “During a pain crisis, SCD patients often suffer more than they should because of the complex nature and mechanisms of acute and chronic sickle cell pain, combined with a lack of understanding by health care professionals of the unique needs of these patients. We are committed to protecting their access to the appropriate and safe use of opioids, while developing more effective ways to prevent and treat SCD pain.” -Adm. Brett Giroir, MD, HHS Assistant Secretary for Health Visit our Sickle Cell 911 provider page to learn more about sickle cell and access information about current clinical practice guidelines. here SOURCES:,,

  • SCM Walk Engagement | -scdaami-

    Ways to participate in our virtual walk Donate/Join/Fundraise Since the Walk is now virtual, registration is optional. You can turn your registration fee into a donation, join/create a team or become a fundraiser. Team Set Up Once you create a team, you'll get an email for page set up. We also have step-by-step instructions here to personalize your page. Sponsor Info Your company sponsorship heightens the visibility of your commitment to social responsibility. The return on investment benefits us all. Vendor/Exhibitor This year we're offering two vendor experiences: Both provide virtual promotion, one also offers limited sponsor benefits. Legacy Warriors Are you a sickle cell warrior who's 40 or older? We invite you to join our Legacy Salute! Sign up here by 9/5 to be included. The COVID-19 pandemic will keep us from walking together, but the reasons we walk are still present every day in every individual living with sickle cell. We still need your help to meet the needs of our community. How Our Virtual Walk Works “Join where you are and move how you choose” is the theme of this year’s Sickle Cell Matters Virtual Walk. This means you can participate from anywhere – home, a favorite landmark, nearby park, or your local drop-off election ballot box . (Hint!) Everyone who registers, donates, or starts a team will receive a pedometer, but you’re not limited to walking. Change it up! Transfer the 30-40 minutes you would have used to walk with our group to a session of Zumba, yoga, golf, dancing or yes, walking. We encourage you to start on Sept. 14 to help us promote the event. Post photos or videos of your activity to your social media accounts using #SickleCellMattersWalkMI #SickleCellLivesMatter #SickleCellMichigan. Have fun with it – show off your steps, shout out your team, team members, and the warrior you’re participating for. Then on Saturday, Sept. 19, join us on Facebook @sicklecellmichigan for the online celebration beginning at 10 a.m. Right click to download, save and share this graphic! Contests & Prizes Right click to download, save and share this graphic! Everyone who supports our 2020 Sickle Cell Matters Virtual Walk by registering, donating, fundraising, or starting a team by 9/5 will receive a pedometer as a thank you and reminder that fitness – movement – is important for all of us every day. Everyone who signs up as a fundraiser or creates a team by 9/5 will also be entered into a giveaway for a $100 gift card. We’ll recognize the two teams that raise the most money by Sept. 12. Team captain of the top team receives a $100 gift card. The second place team captain will receive a $50 gift card. The team captain with the most walkers as of Sept. 12 will receive a $100 gift card. We’re expanding our annual T-Shirt Contest to include posters this year. Create a design supporting #SickleCellLivesMatter. Show your poster or wear your T-Shirt in your virtual walk photos and videos. Enter your T-Shirt and poster designs in the contest by Sept. 5 for a chance to win a $100 gift card. Winners will be announced on Sept. 19. (You must be registered for the walk, donate, or be signed up as a fundraiser or team captain to be eligible for entry.) Tribute to Fallen Warriors We offer our heartfelt condolences to all the friends, families and loved ones of individuals with sickle cell who’ve passed away over the years. This year, again, we’ll pay tribute to the lives of those we've lost here in Michigan. To include your loved one in our tribute, please send the following to no later than Sept. 5: Name of the individual who passed away, dates of birth and death, and a photo. Right click to download, save and share this graphic! Salute to Legacy Warriors Right click to download, save and share this graphic! We’re inviting all individuals with sickle cell aged 40 and older to join our 2020 salute. Consider this an extra birthday celebration! The honors are open to all warriors, no matter where you live. Sign up here and send a photo of yourself to with the subject line “Legacy Warrior.” Be sure to include your name in the email. #WarriorsWipeItDownChallenge We’re inviting all sickle cell warriors to join in a special #WipeItDown challenge for our virtual walk. Post to your social media using any of the day’s hashtags: #SickleCellMattersWalkMI #SickleCellLivesMatter #WarriorsWipeItDown Right click to download, save and share this graphic! #SickleSlide Calling the hustle crowd! Take on the Sickle Slide to raise consciousness around sickle cell in a fun and active way. Post your video and tag us @sicklecellmichigan. Be sure to post a fact or two about your life with sickle cell and use #SickleSlide and #SickleCellMattersWalkMI. You could be featured in our Walk day celebration! howwalkworks contests legacywarriors fallenwarriors wipeitdown sickleslide Check our leaderboard frequently to see how your campaign is doing and what the competition is up to. For additional information, please contact the following SCDAA-MI staff for specific assistance or call (313) 864-4406: Registration, team setup or technical issues - email Kristal Johnson Sponsorships - email Stefanie Worth Vendor Information - email Tracie Conic

  • SCDAA-MI E-Newsletters | -scdaami-

    Catch up on news and information from the SCDAA-MI E- newsletters Read the latest news SUBSCRIBE TO OUR E-NEWS September 2020 Special Edition Read web version Download PDF Summer 2020 (August) Read web version Download PDF World Sickle Cell Day Alert Read web version Download PDF Spring 2020 (April) Read web version Download PDF January 2020 (Winter) Read web version Download PDF November 2019 Read web version Download PDF

  • Client Feedback | -scdaami-

    client feedback Volunteer Photo Release Client Feedback SCDAA-MI has been helping improve the lives of individuals with sickle cell for nearly half a century. How are we doing? We'd like to hear from you to help shape our work for the next 50 years. Use the form below to tell us how we've been able to help you, what we can do better, and to share your ideas for other services. Your voice matters! Thanks for sharing your feedback!

  • 2018 Gallery | -scdaami-

    2018 event gallery 2020 Photo Gallery 2019 Photo Gallery Awareness Campaign Launch 2018 SICKLE CELLebration Boll Family YMCA Detroit Saturday, September, 22, 2018 June 19th - World Sickle Cell Day! Saturday, June 9th, 2018 #Sicklecellmatters Awareness Walk Palmer Park, Detroit, Michigan Friendship Baptist Church presents The 42nd Annual Cynthia Coles Circle Benefit Luncheon

  • Media | -scdaami-

    media Keep up with SCDAA-MI news, articles and information from a variety of outlets on issues affecting sickle cell, and videos and webinars to keep you up-to-date about what's happening in the #sicklecell community. SCDAA-MI OUT & ABOUT SCDAA-MI World Sickle Cell Day press release SCDAA-MI ANNOUNCES SAFE(R) INITIATIVE TO IMPROVE EMERGENCY SICKLE CELL CARE Effort aims to assist medical community in proper treatment of long-misunderstood disease February 26, 2020 Read more SAFE(R) provides medical professionals with quick access to an online portal at that provides clinical practice guidelines for sickle cell established by the National Institutes of Health, sickle cell-specific opioid guidance from the Centers for Disease Control, as well as best practices and recommendations from the American Society of Hematology and other leading experts in sickle cell treatment. NHLBI Speaker "Thank you National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) for having me alongside these devoted advocates as a panelist for the “What is a Meaningful Cure?” panel discussion hosted by Dr. Wanda Whitten-Shurney . #CureSCI #sicklecell Thanks Teonna Woolford for the pic!! — with Velvet Brown-Watts , André Marcel Harris and Cassandra Trimnell at Hilton Washington DC/Rockville Hotel and Executive Meeting Center ." NEWS FROM AROUND THE COMMUNITY Toledo's Promedica Hospital has added an adult sickle cell clinic, the first of its kind in northwest Toledo. - WATCH & READ Get the clinic's info here Could gene therapy cure sickle cell anemia? - WATCH FDA approves first targeted therapy to treat patients with painful complication of sickle cell disease - READ FDA Approves Oxbryta™ (Voxelotor), the First Medicine Specifically Targeting the Root Cause of Sickle Cell Disease - READ Sickle Cell Disease Treatment Has Oklahoma Roots - READ Patient & caregiver focused videos All Categories Play Video Play Video 10:35 Sickle Cell Disease: a battle for equality, justice and respect | Ahmar Zaidi | TEDxDetroit What led a 46 year old Haitian artist to being kicked out of the hospital in the dead of winter? What led him to joblessness and homelessness? Part of the answer was in his blood...but most of the answer is us. Dr. Ahmar Zaidi is a pediatric hematologist who focuses on the care of people with sickle cell disease. He works at the Children’s Hospital of Michigan and is involved in research looking at pain in sickle cell disease patients. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at Play Video Play Video 03:54 Hour Detroit’s Excellence in Care Award Sharada Sarnaik, M.D., Pediatric Hematologist/Oncologists at Children’s Hospital of Michigan presented Hour Detroit’s Excellence in Care Award Play Video Play Video 07:12 SCDAAMI Questions about Hydroxyurea OUR THEME: Together we can make a difference and "break the sickle cycle" OUR MISSION To maximize the life potential of individuals living with sickle cell disease To enable individuals with sickle cell trait to make informed decisions with respect to family planning. To provide education and testing for the general public Play Video Play Video 10:16 World Sickle Cell Day | American Black Journal Clip Air date: 6/19/16. Three women on the front lines in the battle against sickle cell disease: Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy, who is Board Chair of the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America’s Michigan chapter; Dr. Wanda Whitten-Shurney, a pediatrician at Children’s Hospital of Michigan; and Anastasia Worthy, Youth Ambassador of the Michigan Chapter of the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America. Episode 4437/Segment 1. Play Video Play Video 02:00 2018 Access to Care Summit Educating and Empowering Sickle Cell Patients 2018 Access to Care Summit: Educating and Empowering Sickle Cell Patients. Original published link: Play Video Play Video 00:31 Annual SCD Therapeutics Conference Experience Wanda Whitten Shurney, M D Wanda Whitten-Shurney, M.D., the CEO and medical director of SCDAA – Michigan Chapter, explains the value that the annual Sickle Cell Disease Therapeutics Conference offers to the SCD community in this short video. To learn more, visit Original published link: Play Video Play Video 05:48 Sickle cell disease: Why is it hard to talk about our pain? BBC Stories Sickle cell disease is a serious and lifelong health condition that predominantly affects people from African or Caribbean backgrounds. Symptoms include bouts of pain, strokes, organ failure, and complications that can result in reduced life expectancy. Some consider it a 'silent illness' as those who have the condition rarely speak about it or the pain that they live with. We speak to 25 year-old Chris who lives with the disease and started his own initiative that aims to create conversation about the condition. Produced by: Kesewaa Browne Filmed and edited by: James Stewart Animation: Gerard Groves Commissioning Editor: Kimberley Rowell #sicklecell #sickle #bbc We are BBC Stories, a group of journalists making films, long and short, with the younger audience (18-24) in mind. The idea is to tackle issues which concern and impact this group of people. So think about anything from race and identity to mental health, money and much more. Play Video Play Video 05:07 Prodigy Talks With Real Health About His Life With Sickle Cell Anemia Hip-Hop Star Prodigy talks with Real Health editor in chief Kate Ferguson about his life with sickle cell anemia. Provider-focused sickle cell videos Play Video Play Video 10:35 Sickle Cell Disease: a battle for equality, justice and respect | Ahmar Zaidi | TEDxDetroit What led a 46 year old Haitian artist to being kicked out of the hospital in the dead of winter? What led him to joblessness and homelessness? Part of the answer was in his blood...but most of the answer is us. Dr. Ahmar Zaidi is a pediatric hematologist who focuses on the care of people with sickle cell disease. He works at the Children’s Hospital of Michigan and is involved in research looking at pain in sickle cell disease patients. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at Play Video Play Video 04:23 Burden of Sickle Cell Disease Expert clinicians discuss the prevalence and overall burden of sickle cell disease across the globe and recognize the role of community physicians in managing the disease. Play Video Play Video 01:19 Dr Ahmar Zaidi on Efforts Needed to Address Complications of Sickle Cell Disease Ahmar Zaidi, MD, pediatric hematologist-oncologist, Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center, Children's Hospital of Michigan, discusses the need for more efforts from both the medical community and regulators to address the psychosocial complications of sickle cell disease. Play Video Play Video 09:09 Freda Lewis-Hall and TLC's "T-Boz" Discuss Sickle Cell Disease on The Doctors Dr. Freda Lewis-Hall, chief medical officer of Pfizer, appears on The Doctors to speak about sickle cell disease, a blood disorder that primarily affects African Americans, and the genetic trait linked to the disease. She and The Doctors are joined by Tionne "T-Boz" Watkins, of the musical group TLC, who lives with the condition. Check your local listings to see the whole show and learn more at Freda Lewis-Hall and TLC's "T-Boz" Discuss Sickle Cell Disease on The Doctors

  • 2023 World Sickle Cell Day | -scdaami-

    WORLD SICKLE CELL DAY JUNE 19TH Greetings, Please consider purchasing a T-Shirt to wear on World Sickle Cell Day. Proceeds will benefit the National SCDAA, SC RED and the Sickle Cell Community Consortium. You must purchase the shirt by June 4 to guarantee delivery by June 18 to wear on June 19th. Shirts will still be available for purchase after June 19th. SHOP HERE

  • Sponsors | -scdaami-

    Thank You Sponsors

  • 2019 Sickle Cell Matters Annual Walk | -scdaami-

    2019 Sickle Cell Matters Walk Become a Sponsor Become a Vendor

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